Care Jurnal2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Fredy Akbar Kfrediakbar@yamando.idOpen Journal SystemsMCJ: Mando Care Jurnal Terapi Relaksasi Nafas Dalam untuk Menurunkan Nyeri Akut pada Pasien Fraktur di RSUD Hajjah Andi Depu2024-05-24T12:53:24+00:00Idawati Ambohamsah idawatiambohamsah87@gmail.comHamdan Nurhamdandahry@gmail.comDian<p><em>A fracture or fracture is a disruption of the continuity of both total, partial bone tissue that can affect the long bone, joints of muscle tissue and blood vessels causing injury to the movement of the limb. Each individual will adapt to the changes that occur. At RSUD Hajja Andi Depu, the number of fractural patients by 2022 reached 157 people. The study aims to investigate the effectiveness of giving deep breath relaxation techniques to patients with fractures with moderate pain. The research project uses one group pre-post test design with a total sample of 22 respondents with purposive sampling techniques. Pain analysis is measured using the Numerc Rating scale. The study used univariate and bivariate analysis. From the results of the study showed the average prior to the inhalation technique is 6.27 and the average result after the given inhaling technique is 3.54. The bivariate result obtained p-value =0,001 <0,05 so it can be concluded that the action of breathing relaxation technique in effective in reducing the intensity of pain in patients fractures.</em></p>2024-06-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mando Care Jurnal Ibu dalam Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI Secara Dini di Puskesmas Bajeng Kabupaten Gowa2024-05-25T11:44:40+00:00Nurnainah NurnainahInacloud3158@gmail.comNurnaeni Nurnaeninurnaeni@gmail.comIsmail<p><em>Knowledge occurs after a person makes an infiltration of a particular object. The transmission of objects occurs through the human senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and rejection by itself. Attitude is a level of affection, both positive and negative in relation to psychological objects, such as: symbols, phrases, slogans, people, institutions, ideals and ideas. The aim of this study is to find out the facts that influence mothers in the early delivery of accompanying food in Puskesmas Bajeng District of Gowa. The study was carried out in Puskesmas Bajeng District of gowa with a sample of 35 mothers. This study aims to determine the knowledge and attitudes of mothers with early breastfeeding to infants and identify the influence of these variables and with analytical descriptive research methods and crossectional approaches. There is an influence between mother's knowledge of giving early breastfeeding in Puskesmas Bajeng district of Gowa based on the statistical test Chi-Square obtained a value p=0,003 < α=0,05. The conclusion of this study is that the knowledge and attitude of the mother is related to the early delivery of accompanying food in the Puskesmas Bajeng district of Gowa.</em></p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mando Care Jurnal Teknik Relaksasi Nafas Dalam terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Post Sectio Caesarea2024-06-23T01:02:08+00:00Farmin Arfanfarminnaufal@gmail.comDarmiati DarmiatiDarmiatidarmi9@gmail.comTri Ervi Santitriervipolman1110@gmail.comg<p><em>Birth can be done in two ways: normal or spontaneous delivery (born through the vagina) and abnormal delivery or delivery with the help of a procedure such as Caesarea Sectio (SC). In the process of cesarean section, surgery is performed, including cuts in the abdomen of the mother (laparatomy) and the uterus (histerectomy) to remove the baby. The study aims to identify nursing orphanages and pain disorders in patients with post-caesarean sections with therapeutic breathing relaxation techniques. This research uses a type of qualitative research with a case study approach on a single subject in the Sakura Room of RSUD H. Andi Depu. The results of this study obtained major and minor data at the time of post-operative examination patients complained of pain, shivering, restlessness, difficulty sleeping, and protective behavior. With the data of the study can be formulated nursing diagnosis with discomfort pain. The evaluation was obtained after being given nursing care for 3x24 hours, nursing problems with pain and comfort disorders were resolved. The conclusion is that providing breath relaxation therapy can reduce the pain scale of post-cesarean section patients.</em></p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mando Care Jurnal Hygiene pada Pasien Gangguan Jiwa di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar2024-05-26T05:47:46+00:00Syamsidar DarmiatiDarmiatidarmi@gmail.comEly<p><em>Mental care is a form of service to an individual in order to develop physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially so that the individual is aware of his or her abilities, can cope with stress, can work productively and can make a contribution to the community. Self-care deficit is a condition in a person who has a weakness of abilities such as being shy, unwilling to adapt to others, broken family ties, exploitation and inability to capture a lesson located in the villages of Pullipe, Tamajarra, Tamangalle, Puccadi and Leteang. In carrying out or supplementing self-care activities such as bathing (hygiene), dressing/decorating, eating, and toileting. If the patient does not do self-treatment then the consequences will be itching in the body, body smells and other diseases will develop. One of the appropriate measures for self-care deficits is to carry out self care or personal hygiene measures. The aim of this study is to provide foster care for patients with self-care deficits. The type of research method used is descriptive with a case study approach. The subject of the case study is a total of 5 (five) adults who have mental disorders self-care deficit. The conclusion from this study is that after performing personal hygiene measures in self-care deficit patients obtained patients look cleaner and can perform self-treatment independently.</em></p>2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mando Care Jurnal Review: Analisa Konsep, Kebijakan dan Research Evidance dengan Masalah Napza di Masyarakat2024-06-28T07:31:15+00:00Nurul<p><em>Narcotics, alcohol, psychotropic substances and other addictive substances (NAPZA) are psychoactive substances that have the potential to change a person's behavior, feelings and thoughts. Drug abuse is a serious problem in Indonesia and the world. Various efforts have been made to tackle drug abuse, but there is still an increase in cases of abuse in several areas. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Therapeutic Community (TC) method in social rehabilitation of drug abusers based on concepts, research evidence and government policies. The research method uses literature review from the Pubmed and Google Scholar databases with relevant keywords. Inclusion criteria include research between 2014 and 2022 in Indonesian or English. The research results show that the TC method is effective in reducing the level of drug abuse and the resulting antisocial behavior. TC programs involve interactions between members to support each other and influence positive behavior. However, the drop out rate is still a major challenge in implementing the TC program. Social rehabilitation of drug abusers is also carried out through medical and social approaches. The government has established a policy not to criminalize victims of drug abuse, but directs them to report themselves to Institutions Receiving Compulsory Reports (IPWL) to receive rehabilitation. In conclusion, the TC program is an effective approach in the social rehabilitation of drug abusers, although there are still challenges in its implementation. The importance of human resource support and public awareness in tackling drug abuse is the main focus in prevention and rehabilitation efforts</em><em>.</em></p>2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Mando Care Jurnal